Orders must be returned within 12 days of delivery date.

To be eligible for a return or exchange, you must send back your item within 12 days of the delivery date.

However, we understand that unexpected situations can arise. If you need to request a return outside of the standard window, please email us at info@zernzer.com to submit an override request.

Our team will review your case and discuss the available options with you.

If you have worn your pair outside, we cannot accept it back for a return or an exchange.

This is because we cannot restock and sell (even slightly) worn loafers and slip-ons.

Each pair will be carefully inspected upon return to ensure quality.

We encourage you to try on your loafers or slip-ons indoors to see how they fit before wearing them outside.

To that end, we are here to help troubleshoot fit. You can email us at info@zernzer.com for support.

We cannot accept returns or exchanges for custom-made goods. These items are specially made and cannot be restocked for sale. Returns or exchanges are only possible if the goods are defective

To initiate a return via our you will need the order number, your address details, and the order email address.

This information can be found in the confirmation email you received at the time of purchase.

Having trouble locating this?

Email us at info@zernzer.com with your information, and we can assist you.